Ranting with Rachel

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You Don't Want to Do That

Ask yourself, how many times have you told someone you wanted to do something and then the person you were talking with said "you don't want to do that." Ok, how many times have you said it to someone else? I have heard it a number of times. I get so tired of hearing that someone knows better about what I want to do.
For instance, saying you want your baby to come early. What's early? I don't want a premature baby, but I'm past that risk. So coming a few days early isn't a big deal. However, I'm being induced and a woman asked me why I would want to do that and that I really didn't want to do it. I'm being induced ON my due date. I'm not going early, and the insurance only allows you to go one week past your due date anyway. Anyhow, I then hear about how horrible and painful an induction is, as if that is going to change my mind. My first baby was induced and that's the only labor experience I have. I don't know any different! Of course I'm willing to be induced again! Oh, and last time I checked, I haven't heard one woman say that labor and delivery was pleasant and easy. Thus the name LABOR.
I've talked about my dream property (house and land) and again, I've been told that I didn't want to do that. WHATEVER! How do you know? Maybe the things you don't like about certain aspects of what I want, are things that I have experience with too!
One of the other latest ones is being told that I really don't want to send my kids to public school. Mind you, it's just public school, I never hear that I shouldn't send my kids to private school (ok, one person...but she has a good point). I hear reasons not to, but I still feel that public school is best for my children. I don't tell home schoolers not to home school. I have my opinions about home schooling (we'll save that for another post). No matter which way you choose for your children, the parents HAVE to be involved. The funny thing about the people who have told me I should home school are actually people who are teachers. (Again, we'll save that for another post)
There are so many other examples I could give about times when someone has told me that I really didn't want to do something. I'd love to hear some of yours!

Friday, September 2, 2011

What's Happening to the English Language

I seem to be hearing more frequently about 'words' being added to the dictionary. I'm not opposed to changes and additions, however, I am opposed to words that are not real. I also hate reading conversations where people have purposely misspelled words to 'look' or 'sound' cool. For whatever reason, this does not bother me with younger people, as it is still acceptable for them to be silly like that. If you are 18 or older, speak your age. Also, write like you speak. I remember in high school people questioned whether a teacher would be able to catch them plagiarizing, because "there wasn't enough time for her/him to check all the sources for all the papers." Okay, so this is totally wrong. A teacher will be able to know if you plagiarized simply by the change of writing style and types of words you use.
The other day I saw someone in their mid-30s had written on facebook, "True dat." Seriously? Do you say "true dat" in every day conversation? Is "dat" in the dictionary? There are so many others that are out there, it's too many to list. You get the idea.
I also cannot stand when people write things they wouldn't or couldn't say. Such as: 'Arg.' Again...SERIOUSLY? Are you a pirate? Sure, Charley Brown said arg on a regular basis, but not you! You're not a comic strip! Then there's the 'words' from texting and chatting. I can handle LOL, because someone might literally "laugh out loud," however "ROFL" is obnoxious. Did you really "roll on the floor laughing?" Along with all the ones where someone 'laughs' a body part off. Really??? Is that even possible?
Another one that really gets me is when people change a syllable in a word. Again, this is someone who should be grown up and speaking like one, and he says "Bar-b-chew." Or "beer of the root" for root beer. It really does drive me bonkers!
Using all the different styles of language that we hear today is obnoxious. Once you get away from ebonics, you run into redneck. Why can't people speak the way they were taught. Okay, so that's a bad idea. I know people who say "warsh, West-consin, Ore-Gone, zi-On". So maybe we need to take a look at how we are supposed to pronounce words and actually do it.